Viraver Turn key project management Architectural and Design

Turn Key Project Management

Viraver offers its customers its support, from the pre-design phase, when details are far from being defined, to installation or, if required, maintenance activities.
In this context, the Turn Key Project Management is the totality of the project managed by one or more specialised personnel - such as Project Managers – dedicated to analysing, designing, planning and completing the objectives of a project.
Viraver, true to its DNA, has developed its personal approach to Turnkey Project Management based on a model of activities that are shaped on the needs of the customer, a a strong point for the development of innovative products.

Project Analysis

The Project Analysis phase support customers in their choices, anticipating their needs, allowing them to take advantage of twenty years of know-how in the sector and a considerable heritage of tests and certifications, the result of continuous and daily collaboration with classification bodies. This considerably lightens the customer's workload by relieving him of a series of responsibilities and suggesting the most suitable solutions, from performance to comfort, for specific applications. When the necessary conditions occur, specialised technicians carry out the DIGITAL SCANNING of the window seats. From this, the 3D drawings will be derived, complete with the preparatory information also for the perfect "alignment" with the interior fittings.

TurnKey Project Management INDUSTRIAL
TurnKey Project Management INDUSTRIAL

3D Development

Viraver has greatly invested in 3D Development, revolutionizing the IT system, by adopting the 3DEXPERIENCE platform, which increase the opportunities for the technical office. In this context CATIA has the ability to model any product and simulating behavioral reactions according to use.


The entire PRODUCTION procedure takes place within Viraver’s production plant, including design and preparing the necessary tools for the creation of the specific product. Each production phase is subjected to controls and evaluations, and it ends with a strict QUALITY test, which also includes the delivery of a Certificate of Conformity by Viraver, ensuring the traceablitity of every element event after being installed.

TurnKey Project Management INDUSTRIAL