Viraver is the company of the “Glass of the new millennium”, the result of research and development, intuition and passion born from an in depth knowledge of the material. Viraver, determined to establish a strong industrial footprint, has followed, for the past twenty years, an ongoing development plan, making her today a leader and an international player for excellence in the world of glass processing.
The project and the customer are at the centre of the philosophy that guides the concept of “Glass of the new millennium”, supported by an inclusive team, strong on the experience accumulated in the past, aware of today’s potential, ready for new challenges.
Sustainability is part of our daily lives and is part of our vision.
Glass is a sustainable material.
The scraps from the raw materials (eg 200 tonnes of glass each year) are collected and sent to recyclers to come back renewed.
With the most recently installed machineries and systems and those which will soon be installed, Viraver’s environmental footprint is aligned with the sustainability demanded today and most importantly that of the future.
Project execution is the glue of the three elements that also creates that context of reliability and creativity in the realisation of products.
Execution also means creating the organisational vision of staff, technicians and designers, this is the phase in which the company also builds the foundations for its performance and the creation of products that are also based on Viraver’s constructive and winning mentality
“Constraints are a starting point and never an end point.” Viraver defines witht these words its corporate philosophy, which is what now defines the path of the industrial plan named “Beyond Glass 2030”.
Viraver kicked off this ten-year plan with the expansion of its production facilities, and the introduction of new, modern plants, new technologies and not least the involvement of staff and their training.